How to Successfully Sabotage Yourself !

Maria's Words for Coffee
4 min readMay 18, 2020

5/365 “Cry wolf often enough and you eventually get eaten by the wolf, even if the wolf is you.”
― Kris Kidd

Sometime we fault from time to time and it’s best for us to pick ourselves up. People have failed at things ALL of their lives and yet they still get up and do what they are meat to do. They get up and do the thing. Someone of us have found systems to deal with these things. My roommate and best friend she taught me that she actually does extra work during her week in case she can see her down days creeping along. so that way she doesn't fall behind on her work and she can actively and calmly take a mental day or two and not fault in her responsibilities.

Time and time again, i, like many I am sure was doing it all wrong. I was working normal and once my mental breaks would creep up on me, because keeping track of your mental health can be daunting or incredibly work excessive depending on how severe it is and how experienced you may be with your own mental health or any at all. I just would expect the world to either keep on turning without my input or to make up for my lack in effort on the ongoing of the lives that I affect on the daily.

So here are the top 10 best ways to sabotage yourself and your life in general maybe if you see something here that you do, recognizing it will help take a step onto a different direction.

Always Start Tomorrow!

You woke up at 11am, it’s 1pm and you’ve barely have had breakfast, if not just a cup of coffee. By the time you get into work mode, it’ll be 2:30 or worse 3pm and you’re gonna be hungry again so why bother starting now. Just remember to set your alarm tonight and you can get all the double productivity tomorrow, because that’s exactly how things work.

There is Always Something on Hulu, Netflix, Disney+, Prime Video and Piratebay

Now with the quarantine happening, it seems like there are so many deals on streaming services and since everyone is home, people are finding more and more entreating documentaries (Ie. Tiger King) so lets make sure that we are staying up to date on all of our streaming references or we wont understand the memes on the family/friend chat or worst we will be out of the loop on Reddit

Let Me Research It First

research is always the best way to time travel i recommend YouTube. start with the topic you have in your mind and then follow through with whatever random video may peak your interest. Let’s do a 6 degrees of Bacon from Ricardo Sepulveda (a Chilean soccer player/manager) to The fifth season (series) of the British medical drama television show Holby City.

Save and Forget

Pinterest and Instagram are fantastic for this. Let’s find a hashtag, follow, go through the whole page of it and as the suggestions for getting off Social Media, bettering our lives, practicing better health and making passive incomes in our lives appear on our front page we can Save it to our favorites with the false promise of going back and really reading the page, doing what it suggest we do and finally getting off social media for our benefit. Alas we will not do that this false promise to ourselves and our life gives us a blanket of comfort, an emperor’s clothes in which we feel responsible with none of the work.

Numbers Stress Me Out

If you really do not want to deal with the scary numbers in your bank accoung and that looming number that is your debt then just ignore them. It’s easier if you do a Save and Forget for this one and avoid Let Me Research It First, if you think you will actually learn something from the latter.

Remember the key to true successful procrastination is in SEEMING productive NOT actually being it.

Well guess what I too procrastinated and I succeeded because I didn't keep going on my writing challenge but it doesn't matter because I am back and due to my success at procrastinating, I am telling you the list above is a fool proof system to never getting your life together, I couldn't finish the top 10 so I have done a top 5.

Failures are only learned from if we recognize them and stop punishing ourselves. Sounds cliche, and it is to you but it sounds like truth to those that have had the chance and paradigm shift to truly understand these words.

Thanks for reading, let me know what your views are!

My name is Maria G. Martinez, I am a certified SEO and freelance writer and chef working on making her passion and her hobbies work for her. If you would like to read more please hit that clap button and follow, I would LOVE to hear from you!



Maria's Words for Coffee

The clearest way into the universe is through a forest wilderness - John Muir